Monday, September 24, 2012

This article places the spotlight at one of the senior members of The Railroad Commission, David Porter and his active role in the recent natural gas boom. The sudden economic boost to the oil and natural gas markets have sky rocketed the demand for drilling permits from just 26 as of 2010 to a strong 2,957. The influx has been under the watchful eyes of David Porter's revolutionary Eagle Ford Shale Taskforce, the very first group of its kind that opens up a forum for many to discuss issues involving developing the shale responsibly. Members in the organization include environmentalists, local community leaders, elected officials, land owners, and oil services companies. In recent Railroad Commission supported technology hydraulic fracturing (pressurized water, sand, and chemical through piping) has been used to increase natural gas gathering though policies involving the process may change along with many other policies.

The news article bears importance to inform the public on the specific efforts of one the powerful Railroad Commission members that holds sway over the product we use in our daily lives. The idea is to know more about our elected officials is a plan to make educated voting in the future elections.